
Quartermaster General: Prelude Expansion

Created by Griggling Games, Inc.

Prelude is adds 108 cards to the original Quartermaster General, providing a short mini pregame, which will alter the main game and provide greater variation between plays.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Prelude in transit
almost 6 years ago – Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 09:37:57 AM

Hello Quartermaster General: Prelude fans

Well, the games are currently in transit (and have been for a couple weeks). I received one copy and everything (as far as your concerned) should be fine. 

We're also waiting on the promo swag to be printed and delivered from The Game Crafter. We expect to be very busy in the upcoming weeks.

Here's a preview of the Propaganda promo tile. Looks great, as always!

If you were hoping to find us at Origins - well, we were too, but due to a last minute issue, we weren't able to attend this year. We will definitely be at WBC and Gen Con.

That's all for now!


BackerKit and Add-ons
about 6 years ago – Sat, May 05, 2018 at 11:56:32 AM

Hello Quartermaster General Fans!

Just a quick note about the surveys:

I'll be sending the survey's via Backerkit, so you can expect those at some point later this week. (If you see an email from Backerkit, it's not spam.) 

Once the add-on store is finished, there will be a limited supply of parts only expansions, and more if you can live with just the cards and using pieces from other games. I'm just trying to make sure as many folks as possible will have a full set of all three expansions.

I'm still awaiting to hear about the shipping plan from the factory. I've already submitted all the artwork to them some weeks ago. My hope is they'll come in early July, so most of you will have them in early August. If not, then I'll have to wait for after WBC and Gen Con until I can start sending them out, which would mean getting them towards the end of August.



Funded! Thank You!
about 6 years ago – Sat, Apr 21, 2018 at 05:22:56 AM

Hello Prelude Backers!

Well, we've done a lot better than I expected! Thank you so much!

In the next few days your pledge will be charged, and soon after that I'll be setting up the add-ons site, if you're interested in any spare parts or one of my other games. 

One game I won't be offering as an add-on is my upcoming game from the PSC, Quartermaster General: The Cold War. There will be a kickstarter fairly soon and the game should be ready by Essen. (I believe they said it was mostly being manufactured inside the EU which will drastically reduce the time between the kickstarter and the delivery to the EU.) Cold War is for 3-6 players, and has 3 teams. If you play with 3 players, you mix the cards of both of your bloc's decks together, so you don't have the hassle of playing two decks. There was an online playtest you can peek at here:

thanks again for all your help in getting Prelude made!


about 6 years ago – Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 10:48:48 PM

Well, we reached out first milestone, and funded on Day 2. Not bad! This of course doesn't mean we're done, as we all want to have cool stretch goals promos. 

Here's the cover Art, hot off the digital presses

 A couple notes on some questions that have come up:

  • The 2 copies offer only comes with one set of swag. I will be offering more Prelude swag bags a la cart with add ons - I'm thinking probably just $2 extra per swag bag.
  • Now that the 8 expansion bundles sold, I have a couple copies of Air Marshal and no more copies of Alternate Histories. 
  • I'm currently looking at some spare parts I have and think I can put together some sets of both expansions, but without the boxes. I'm unfortunately short of time right now but later in the kickstarter I'll probably add a few of those. I'll send current backers a heads up in case you prefer that. I am only offering them in the USA for now, since I only have a few. In the USA I fulfill the kickstarter, whereas outside the USA I have a service.
  • I will be offering the swag from previous kickstarters as add ons.

That's all for now! Tell your friends!

all the best


Another stretch goal acheived!
about 6 years ago – Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 10:48:01 PM

Hello Prelude backers!

We've crested $6000, which means we've hit another stretch goal. So backers will get 3 promos in addition to (what I hope and believe) is a great expansion.

Since we hit 6000, I'll be providing a custom tension tracker! At least you won't have to get out a d10 or pennies or something. Meanwhile, here's another card preview

One of the largest Maginot Line forts, designed to keep the Germans on their side of the border. Didn't work, but maybe it will for you!

More stretch goals on the horizon! In the meantime, kickstarter recommends I send out more updates, but frankly I think it's annoying when I get one per day on a kickstarter or other crowdfunding site. I've also heard people say best practice is to thank each and every backer individually. I've gotten those, but it never actually made me feel better to get a personalized form letter. (So in lieu of a form letter, I'll take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you personally for backing my project.)

More importantly, the more friends you get to back the project, the more you'll get (as we hit stretch goals). So while my gratitude isn't worth a whole lot, I think getting a cool game and good swag is, and I hope that you'll help me convince the rest of the world of the value proposition!

thanks and all the best!
